The New Spaix 6 Promotes the Sustainable Selection of Pump Systems

The New Spaix 6 Promotes the Sustainable Selection of Pump Systems

Customers of the Spaix pump selection software have something to look forward to: the latest version will be launched at the end of October. In addition to many new functions, the program’s performance has been further improved. Moreover, the manufacturer VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE has paid special attention to the topic of sustainability in Spaix 6.

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  • Weir Launches New Process Pump

    20.08.2001 -

    The 905 range of end suction process pumps is designed in accordance with ISO 5199 and BS EN 22858:1995. A modular system enables a wide range of options to be provided from stock. Computerised selection ensures fast, accurate selection and response.

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    Attend WEFTEC 2001 to…

    20.08.2001 -

    discover the latest techniques and technical information on today’s vital water quality topics by choosing from 23 conference workshops and seminars and 89 technical sessions presented by the industry’s leading experts. That’s more than 40 hours of detailed, technical information designed to be an essential part of your professional development!

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