The New Spaix 6 Promotes the Sustainable Selection of Pump Systems

The New Spaix 6 Promotes the Sustainable Selection of Pump Systems

Customers of the Spaix pump selection software have something to look forward to: the latest version will be launched at the end of October. In addition to many new functions, the program’s performance has been further improved. Moreover, the manufacturer VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE has paid special attention to the topic of sustainability in Spaix 6.

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LATEST NEWS - Technical News

Zero-leakage, high-efficiency ring-section pump

16.02.2000 -

Frankenthal-based KSB is introducing a newly engineered multistage pump for the leakless-pump sector. While that segment of the market is becoming more and more important, it is still extensively populated by single-stage pump sets which are of simpler design but markedly poorer efficiency. From the end of February, Multimagno mag-drive pumps covering discharge heads of = 150 m and flow rates of = 30 m3/h will be significantly enhancing that segment.

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