Wilo and the GSA Call for Submissions for the International German Sustainability Award

The 17th German Sustainability Award (GSA) will once again honour companies in 2024 whose international cooperations are aligned with the sustainability goals of the global Agenda 2030. The GSA is thus continuing its cooperation with the multinational technology group Wilo, whose President & CEO Oliver Hermes is joining the foundation’s Board of Trustees.
Wilo and the GSA Call for Submissions for the International German Sustainability Award

Kaffeekoop GmbH and Rwashoscco Ltd (Rwanda) were the winners of the German Sustainability Award for International Cooperation in November 2023. (Image source: Dariusz Misztal)

Companies based in Germany which actively promote the transition to a sustainable economy together with partners from the Global South can apply for the award until 12 July 2024. The award ceremony will take place on 29 November 2024 in the presence of UNIDO Director General Dr Gerd Müller, who co-founded the award in 2018 while German Minister of Economic Development.

The International German Sustainability Award (IGSA) honours corporate collaboration that makes a significant contribution to sustainability with innovative environmental and efficiency technologies. Particular attention is paid to technology transfers which promote economic, social and ecological progress in the Global South.

“Sustainable transformation must be organised across borders to bring about change where it is particularly urgent. The sustainability goals of the Agenda 2030 provide important points of reference. With the IGSA, we are honouring companies that pursue these goals courageously, innovatively and in partnership and thus lead the way as drivers and multipliers of sustainable change”, explains award initiator Stefan Schulze-Hausmann.

Oliver Hermes, President & CEO of the Wilo Group, emphasises the importance of fair global supply chains: “As a global community, we must take action against further global warming, the waste of resources and poverty. This is why Wilo is co-initiator of the IGSA. I also contribute my experience with cooperation between the Global North and South to the foundation’s Board of Trustees. My personal goal is to organise economic cooperation in a way that not only benefit the partners, but also advances the goals of the Agenda 2030.”

The GSA and Wilo will honour the winners on 28 and 29 November 2024 at the 17th German Sustainability Day. The Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Dr Gerd Müller, will be one of the speakers at the congress in Düsseldorf and will be the guest of honour at the award ceremony.

All companies based in Germany that cooperate with companies or institutions in the Global South in economically oriented partnerships focussed on sustainability are eligible to apply for the IGSA. The current DAC list of developing countries and territories of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is used to narrow down the relevant countries.

“Tandem” applications can be submitted until 12 July 2024. The company based in Germany is the applicant and presents the partnership. The partner in the Global South must agree to the application and is invited to contribute to the application by answering three key questions.

Source: WILO SE

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15.07.2024 -

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