Xylem’s Sanitaire Gold Series Diffusers Cut Energy Use


Tests carried out at a wastewater treatment plant in the Netherlands have confirmed that Xylem’s Sanitaire Gold Series membrane diffusers cut the energy use of the plant by up to 22 percent while delivering high quality aeration.

The field tests were carried out over 17 months between May 2010 and October 2011 at a municipal wastewater treatment plant run by Waterschap Noorderzijlvest in Zuidhorn, the Netherlands.

Rachel Davies, aeration product manager at Xylem, said, “Research shows that aeration accounts for between 25 and 60 percent of the total energy consumption at a typical municipal wastewater treatment facility*. Xylem’s Sanitaire Gold Series has been specifically designed to address this problem by reducing the amount of pressure and energy required to deliver high quality aeration.”

Sanitaire Gold Series can deliver this efficient performance due to the fact that it can increase the membrane density for a fixed tank area as a result of its geometry. In the Zuidhorn scenario the membrane density was increased from 24 to 63 percent by using Sanitaire Gold Series diffusers which enabled the flux to be reduced and therefore achieve a higher standard oxygen transfer efficiency (SOTE). As a result, a better standard aeration efficiency (SAE), expressed as kg O2 /kWh, was achieved.

This system is combining low energy consumption with a modular design that is easy to install, maintain and scale in comparison to other systems. The diffusers are suitable for circular or other unusual geometries and can be very easily retro-fitted into existing systems. The Sanitaire Gold Series diffuser incorporates time-proven components and a soundly engineered piping system design so that treatment plant operators can rest assured in the long term reliability of the system.

* WEF. 2009. MOP No. 32: Energy Conservation in Water and Wastewater Facilities

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