Wilo-Stratos Series Extended for Commercial Buildings


The German pump expert WILO SE introduced new high-efficiency pumps of the "Wilo-Stratos" series. The wide range was extended by seven further types for connections ranging from DN25 to DN50. They are particularly power-saving high-efficiency pumps with different control options and interfaces to building automation, also for small performance ranges up to a delivery head of 4 m.

Wilo-Stratos Series Extended for Commercial Buildings


They may be applied, for example, in smaller heating and cooling circuits in commercial buildings. The range extension allows an easier replacement of old uncontrolled pumps by high-efficiency pumps of the newest generation.

With an interface for a so-called "IF-(Interface-)Module", all "Wilo-Stratos" pumps are suitable for integration into building automation. Pumps can thus be made bus-capable according to today’s usual standards (e. g. LON, CAN, BACnet or Modbus). In addition, these high-efficiency pumps have an infrared interface for pump monitoring. This interface allows for wireless reading of all relevant pump data also from a distance to the pump of several metres by means of the remote enquiry device "Wilo-IR-Monitor" or a "Wilo-IR-Module" for pocket PCs. The high-efficiency series "Wilo-Stratos" offers a power saving potential of 80 % compared to uncontrolled pumps and has thus been the reference for the energy efficiency class A for heating pumps since 2001. The pumps can be applied universally. For load adjustment, they can be pre-set to the control modes constant differential pressure (Δp-c), variable differential pressure (Δp-v) and temperature-controlled differential pressure (Δp-T).

Due to the wide fluid temperature range from -10°C to +110°C they are not only optimally suitable for heating systems, but also for the use in cooling and air-conditioning. For this purpose, all "Wilo-Stratos" pumps have a cataphoretic coating as standard. Furthermore, accumulating condensate can be safely discharged via a drain labyrinth.

The cold water insulation shell "Wilo-ClimaForm" is available as a recommended accessory for all high-efficiency pumps of the "Wilo-Stratos" series. It consists of the flexible elastomer material AF/Armaflex which has a high water vapour diffusion resistance and low heat conductivity. The shell system is precisely pre-fabricated and encloses the pump housing accurately without affecting the function of the condensate drain system. Time-consuming cuts are not necessary anymore, whereas the installation takes only a few minutes even in the most difficult installation situations.

Source: WILO SE

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