VdS-Certified Pump Series for Large Sprinkler Systems
With the “Wilo EMU D500” series, the Dortmund pump expert WILO SE topped off its range of sprinkler pumps with particularly powerful models. These submersible pumps manufactured at the company’s site in Hof are VdS-certified and are applied for pumping fire water in sprinkler systems for technical fire protection.

“Wilo EMU D500” series
VdS is the independent and certified testing and certification authority for fire protection and housebreaking/theft protection. For testing, national and international standards as well as VdS directives are applied.
Sprinkler systems allow automatic fire fighting already at a stage when the fire firstly occurs and thus prevent larger damages in the building. Insurances grant low-price premiums for buildings with certified, permanently installed water extinguishing systems. All components used for this, including the pumps, must have been approved by VdS. This is why the “Wilo EMU D500” sprinkler pump was tested by the company VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH and finally certified (certification number P4080003).
As the testing conditions stipulate that in the event of fire the pump must run at full load within 30 seconds after activation, the “Wilo EMU D500” pump is correspondingly powerful. It has an approved range of maximum 590 m3 water per hour or achieves a maximum zero-delivery head of up to 145 metres. Thanks to these characteristic values it is perfectly suitable for automatic fire fighting systems in skyscrapers, department stores, places of public assembly, underground car parks, industrial installations or high bay warehouses. Sprinkler systems dimensioned this large had to be equipped with several pumps so far. With “Wilo EMU D500” only a single pump is now sufficient for fire water supply. In reservoirs with a large pump sump it can be installed horizontally, in wells or sumps a vertical installation is possible. Dry well installation is possible in conjunction with a pressure shroud.
Source: WILO SE