The Pump Symposium to travel
COLLEGE STATION, Texas-The International Pump Users Symposium (IPUS) is taking it to the road after beginning and operating in Houston, Texas for 20 years.
In a meeting on April 25, 2002, the Advisory Committee for the IPUS unanimously voted to begin alternating symposium locations starting in 2004.
The symposium sponsored by the Turbomachinery Laboratory at Texas A&M University will be in the northeastern region of the United States in 2004. The exact site will be announced soon. The symposium will return to Houston in 2005 and operate there all odd years in the future.
The IPUS Advisory Committee is confident that taking the solutions-based professional-development program to different regions of the US will better serve the fluids-handling industry.
This premier venue for exchange of the latest technology, knowledge, and experience will now be available to a more regionally diverse audience. The move to the northeast will also provide a more accessible professional-development event for European industry representatives.
The IPUS Advisory Committee broadened the program in recent years, and they are dedicated to continuing enhancements. The 2004 program will adapt to meet the needs of the northeastern region it will serve.
Nominations are now invited for the fluids-handling professionals in the northeastern region of the US to assist in technical session organization and coordination. Persons interested in serving should contact Dr. Dara Childs, Director of the Turbomachinery Laboratory.
The Turbomachinery Laboratory is a part of The Texas A&M University System.
For more information about upcoming events, including the annual TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM and INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM, please visit the Turbomachinery Laboratory website at:
Source: Turbomachinery Lab