Sulzer Launches Online Pump Selection
Sulzer Pumps has now made it possible for pump users to select their ideal pump from the Sulzer Pumps web site.
Previously it was necessary for potential users to describe their needs to a sales engineer, who made lengthy manual calculations. But now users can simply enter their basic selection criteria in response to prompts on line. The program then searches the Sulzer catalogue and presents a list of pumps that can satisfy the duty. To simplify comparison and ease selection, the program can sort the list in terms of pump size, efficiency, NPSHr or maximum power.
The performance of any of the selected pumps can then be displayed in the form of a pump performance curve or in a data sheet format, showing the pump head, efficiency, horsepower and speed as a function of the flow rate. The system resistance curve can also be displayed on the pump curve. Viscosity corrections are made automatically when needed. This data can also be presented for multiple pumps in series or in parallel. The user can then experiment with different criteria to see the effect on operating cost. For example, it is easy to calculate whether the cost of a variable speed drive would be justified. All stages of the selection process are documented in a print out.
Only a limited knowledge of pumps and their operation is necessary to use the program, yet it provides the user with a comparison of all the alternatives available, so that the right selection can be made with confidence. Selections can be easily forwarded to Sulzer Pumps in order to receive a written quotation.