Smith & Loveless Highlights a Rectangular Recessed Pump Station with Dual Hatch Entry

Smith & Loveless Highlights a Rectangular Recessed Pump Station with Dual Hatch Entry (Image source: Smith & Loveless Inc.)
This state-of-the-art packaged pump station incorporates premium efficient motors designed exclusively for solids-handling pumps, resulting in reduced energy consumption costs and a smaller carbon footprint.
Unlike submersible pump stations, all mechanical equipment, including pumps and valves, are housed in a spacious, prefabricated workspace that is semi-recessed into the ground, allowing immediate grade level access while maintaining a low profile. The earth insulated interior is climate controlled, dry, and designed for continuous human occupancy just a few feet underground, making it ideal for operation and maintenance in colder winter climates. Moreover, the EV R2 pump station enclosure features two independent covers with air-shocked hood lift assists, providing easy access.
The cost savings for operation and maintenance are proven and well-documented. For example, a Kansas municipality conducted a study of the repair and maintenance costs of 32 S&L above-ground pump stations compared to 21 submersible pump stations in the same sewerage network over a period of 12 years. The results showed that the S&L pump stations had nearly 56% lower operating expenses, resulting in maintenance and parts savings of $2,750 per station per year.
The EV R2 pump station is equipped with S&L STAR ONE Non-Clog Pumps, which are centrifugal solids-handling pumps that last three to five times longer than a typical submersible pump. These pumps also offer typically higher efficiencies across the range of pumping conditions.
The QUICKSMART PLC controls option provides an intuitive touchscreen for simplified training and operation, with unparalleled system monitoring, troubleshooting and predictive maintenance capabilities. Optional RapidJack check valves eliminate the need for time-consuming valve disassembly and are easily accessed by removing just four bolts. Another popular option is the DURO-LAST Stainless Steel Baseplate that has an increased thickness to 3⁄4” (1.9cm) for extra rigidity, and comes with a 25-year warranty, the highest level of protection available in the industry.
Source: Smith & Loveless Inc.