Saving Energy Without Turbulence


GF Piping Systems now presents an innovative diaphragm valve that is exciting not only for its many ingenious ideas but also for its energy-saving features.

Saving Energy Without Turbulence

Georg Fischer Diaphragm Valve

For the developers at Georg Fischer, customer needs are all-important: What is the best way of meeting customer requirements? How do customers benefit from Georg Fischer’s interdisciplinary technology know-how? And what trends will be crucial for customers in future? The new generation of diaphragm valves vividly illustrates how Georg Fischer puts itself in the customer’s role, thinks along his lines and comes up with genuine innovations. Rainer Kech, Product Management Leader at GF Piping Systems, sums up this approach: “We developed a completely new valve concept and deliberately challenged all the facts and design details that until then had been regarded as self-evident. That was the only path to real innovation.”

The result is a device that is striking for its robustness, user-friendliness and cost-effectiveness. The new diaphragm valves not only offer greater ease of use and more security, but they are also more efficient since the improved, turbulence-free contours of the valves’ inner walls make it possible to double the flow rate.

Reducing operating costs

To put it differently: let’s assume a typical piping system in which, say, 50 diaphragm valves are installed. The conventional-design valves alone consume about 50 611 kilowatt hours of electricity each year in the mathematical model. The new diaphragm valves use only 24 827 kilowatt hours in the same configuration — a saving of about 50 percent. That makes the new diaphragm valves far more economical, saves resources and reduces CO2 emissions. Moreover, experts appreciate the much lower pressure losses during operation. The new valves, furthermore, have a longer life because they are more resistant to corrosion and abrasion. Package all these features together and industrial customers in particular enjoy a big advantage when it comes to minimising operating costs.

Designed for all liquids

All in all, the instrumentation and control of media transport in piping systems is safer, simpler and more economical thanks to the new generation of diaphragm valves — regardless of the type of substance. These valves can handle any fluid, whether it is extremely contaminated or highly pure. The valve is used in a wide range of applications — from the chemical process industry to microelectronics and water treatment or cooling. So it’s no surprise that industrial customers have responded enthusiastically to the new-generation diaphragm valve. After all, every chance to boost efficiency is highly welcome in tough economic times.

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