PDA: New website domain name


The Pump Distributors Association has been forced to change its website domain name. The new address is www.the-pda.com. Emails can be sent to info@the-pda.com.

The PDA was established in 1985 by leading distributors of pumps and pump accessories. The association represents industrial pump distributors and suppliers through out the UK and Ireland. Its major activity consists in helping clients to identify and trace obscure pumps, to advice on sources of pumps and spares and alternative makes of pumps. Members of the PDA offer a wide range of pump oriented services.

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Water for Peace: World Water Day 2024

22.03.2024 -

On March 22, 2024, the world once again observes World Water Day. Under this year’s theme “Water for Peace,” the United Nations calls for actions that illustrate how sustainable water management can contribute to the creation of peace and stability worldwide.

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