A Powerful Spare Parts Selection Completes the Spaix Software Solution
Offer your customers more value by adding a powerful spare parts search and selection platform to the Spaix pump selection and configuration software.
Offer your customers more value by adding a powerful spare parts search and selection platform to the Spaix pump selection and configuration software.
Customers of the Spaix pump selection software have something to look forward to: the latest version will be launched at the end of October. In addition to many new functions, the program’s performance has been further improved. Moreover, the manufacturer VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE has paid special attention to the topic of sustainability in Spaix 6.
The domains VOGEL-LABOR.DE and RHEOMETRIE.DE point to the new web site of the VOGEL-LABOR.
The R. VOGEL – RESEARCH LABORATORY takes on research and development tasks as well as complex engineering services and the evaluation of available machine and plant studies.
The lab provides competent consultancy and assessment with expert’s knowledge.
A special focus of the research points to rheometrical investigations of all “debris fluids” (mixtures of fluids and solids) independent from the type of binder.