The New Spaix 6 Promotes the Sustainable Selection of Pump Systems

The New Spaix 6 Promotes the Sustainable Selection of Pump Systems

Customers of the Spaix pump selection software have something to look forward to: the latest version will be launched at the end of October. In addition to many new functions, the program’s performance has been further improved. Moreover, the manufacturer VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE has paid special attention to the topic of sustainability in Spaix 6.


Sulzer order intake for first quarter 2001 six percent higher

18.04.2001 -

Consolidated order intake by the Sulzer Corporation for the first quarter 2001 rose by 6% to CHF 1532 million, equivalent to a 7% increase adjusted for acquisitions, divestitures and currency effects. This encouraging growth is mainly attributable to the Sulzer Industries core businesses on which Sulzer will be based in future.

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  • JESCO: New Standard Pump Type N

    12.04.2001 -

    JESCO Dosiertechnik, one of the leading manufacturers of components, systems and accessories of metering, conveying and measuring & control technology for water and waste water treatment, introduce their chemical standard pump N.

    Grundfos´ brand with new design and concept

    12.04.2001 -

    By Niels Due Jensen, Grundfos Group President

    Pretty soon our employees will see Grundfos´ brand or logo being replaced. From now on we will be writing the Grundfos name in a more modern and distinctive typeface, and we will also be simplifying the Archimedes screw to make it stand out as a clearer and easily recognisable symbol for Grundfos. All this will occur as one of several visible moves indicating that we are adopting a new business concept – a concept that aims to strengthen Grundfos´ identity as “the Brand” when it comes to pumps and pump systems

    Carver Pump – Major Contract Awarded

    05.04.2001 -

    March 22, 2001 – Carver Pump was awarded a contract by Avondale Industries, Inc. of New Orleans, Louisiana for the fourth ship-set of centrifugal pumps for the San Antonio Class (LPD-20) Dock Landing Ships.

    Cardo Annual General Meeting

    03.04.2001 -

    In accordance with the proposal put forward by the board of directors

    and president, the meeting declared a dividend of SEK 7.00 per share.

    Thursday, April 5 2001 was established as the day of record for

    dividend, and payment is expected to be distributed by VPC (the

    Swedish Securities Register Center) starting Tuesday, April 10 2001.