New Sales Manager for Asia


From the 1st of August 2006, Peter Wurzbacher will be appointed CEO Asia within the WILO Group, responsible for Sales and Marketing in the Asian market, in particular for the growing business in Korea, China and India where the Group is represented by subsidiaries.

Wilo responds by this to the growing activities in Asia, which represent nearly 20% of Wilo’s group turnover.

Wurzbacher will operate from his office in Beijing/China. Starting his career with one of the leading pump manufacturers, KSB, in 1970, the 59 year old engineer filled various leading positions, in 1998 he was appointed member of the Executive Board of KSB for Sales/Marketing, where he served until end 2004.

Wurzbacher will report directly to Dr. Thomas Schweisfurth, who is responsible for Wilo's worldwide Sales and Marketing activities in the Group Executive Board.

Source: WILO SE

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