New Company Name for Varisco


Over the years, the company known around the world as “Varisco” has been registered under different corporate names, the most recent being “Varisco Pompe S.r.l.”. Now, from May 5th, 2003, the company is changing its corporate name to “Varisco S.p.A.”.

New Company Name for Varisco

Varisco logo is a registered trademark of Varisco S.p.A.

The reason behind this change can be better understood by examining the company slogans over the last thirty years. During the eighties, the catchword was “All our pumps are self-priming”, putting the emphasis on the product and the feature which defined the niche in which Varisco operated. In the nineties, this became “Pumps and Pumping Systems”, to highlight the company’s expertise in the practical applications of its products.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the current slogan, “A solid name in fluids”, was added to the company’s registered trademark. To emphasise the international vocation of Varisco, this slogan is in English on all company documents. The time was therefore ripe to drop from the corporate name an Italian word (Pompe) indicating only part of the company’s activities, leaving the name that everyone uses when referring to the company – Varisco.

The change is not merely form – it is also substance. The letters “S.p.A.” indicate a joint-stock company whose paid up capital will increase at the end of the changeover: a solid name in fluids backed by a solid company structure. For this reason, the main address for the company website will become

“Evolution in continuity” remains the leitmotif of Varisco after more than seventy years of company history.

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