Moyno High Temperature Down-Hole Pump Solutions Extend the Application Range of Progressing Cavity Pumps


R&M Energy Systems offers a line of innovative Moyno High Temperature Down-Hole Pump Solutions. The Moyno high temperature down-hole pumps, designated Moyno HTD pumps, provide unique solutions to high temperature applications that previously prevented operators from using downhole progressing cavity pumps (PCPs).

This technology allows R&M to provide solutions for artificial lift using Progressing Cavity Pumps (PCP’s) in thermal applications. PCP’s have not always been the ideal fit for thermal wells but with the advances in elastomers, bonding mechanisms and metal to metal technology, more producers are considering them as a means of artificial lift. They are an ideal fit for pilot applications or producing wells. Producers consider PCP’s over other means of artificial lift such as ESP’s due to lower capital costs.

They are also an ideal fit for “wedge” wells in SAGD applications. A wedge well allows access to the unrecoverable bitumen that is located in between the well pairs. A PCP can be installed in this type of application due to the smaller surface footprint and the lower downhole temperatures compared to the producing wells.

Advantages include:

  • Mechanical bonding technology allows Moyno High Temperature Down-Hole Pumps to operate in temperatures up to 175°C (350°F)
  • Ability to steam through the stator in a metal to metal design for CSS (Cyclic Steam Stimulation) as they are rated for 350°C (660°F)
  • Metal to metal stators are all one piece, no welding involved
  • Metal to metal pumping elements are designed for 1,200m of lift
  • Metal to metal technology suitable for solvent injection applications (no elastomer concerns)
  • Applications include CSS (Cyclic Steam Stimulation) and SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage)
  • Ability to handle solids with elastomer technology
  • Lower capital cost over ESP systems
  • Insertable application in some cases
  • Small footprint compared to pump jack

Picture: Moyno High Temperature Down-Hole Pumps

Source: NOV, Inc.

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