MCE Kicks Off Its First Roadshow Tour In Turkey, Germany and Poland
Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, one of the leading international biennial exhibition dedicated to residential and industrial installations, air-conditioning and renewable energy scheduled for 18th – 21st March 2014 at Fiera Milano is organising its first ever Road-show in Europe.

The three roadshow stops: Istanbul, Frankfurt/Main and Warschau (Image: Mostra Convegno Expocomfort)
A three-stop tour to promote the next edition of MCE, but above all to awaken companies, trade press and associations from some European countries of great interest: Turkey, Germany and Poland, to all themes related to Italian and International markets. These three countries have always been strongly represented at MCE, but against the current economic backdrop they offer a huge business potential.
Internationality has been constantly one of the strengths of MCE – Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, concerning both visitors – 155,301 trade and professional visitors who made their way to the show with a 5.8% increase in international visitor numbers, – and exhibitors figures – 2,100 exhibitors participated in the last edition, including over 900 foreign companies from 58 countries. Similar figures are also expected for MCE 2014. As from now, over 1,000 companies have signed up to the show (28% of rebooking by foreign exhibitors coming from 43 different countries), exhibiting in its four macro sectors: heating, cooling, water and energy.
“In this perspective a new initiative has been launched - declared Massimiliano Pierini, Business Unit Director of Reed Exhibitions Italia, MCE Exhibition Director - in an even more global context. The biggest challenge is to introduce initiatives focused on those markets that may open the doors to new business opportunities, and facilitate contacts with all those companies encounter difficulties in coping with increasingly complex challenges”. “The aim of the Roadshow tour, is to bring out the most innovative strategic sector of the Italian industry with the participation of a panel of high profile leading figures from the field of entrepreneurship and distribution management. I believe these events will strengthen the key role played by MCE as a leader in the worldwide panorama of trade exhibitions, to promote new relationship models”.
The MCE Roadshow’s first stop is in Istanbul on 9th May 2013, the cornerstone of Turkey economy, a country in deep economic turmoil and a gateway to enter markets of the South-East Mediterranean area. It then moves on to Germany, on 21 May 2013 in Frankfurt, the most important German financial centre and a point of reference for all sectors of MCE on both the exhibitors and visitors side, thanks to a world-leading industry and a market with a keen eye on innovation.
MCE will wrap up its Roadshow on 5th June 2013, in Poland, more precisely at Warsaw, one of the few European countries relying on a strong domestic market as well as a huge export potential to be realized in the near future.
The Roadshow tour will act synergistically with a well-structured worldwide advertising campaign that has always characterized the organisation of MCE – Mostra Convegno Expocomfort to attract an audience of highly qualified professionals from all over the world.
Source: RX Global