Maximum Reliability for Pump Protection
ASV Stübbe is developing a comprehensive concept in the area of measurement and control systems for filling level, limit level, and pressure and temperature measuring systems, with the aim of achieving a common operating concept with uniform components.

ASV Stübbe
The ASV ProPump is designed for dry run protection and monitoring of thermoplastic pumps. The pump protection consists of a sensor with a transducer for measuring pressure and temperature.
The measured values can be used for early detection of malfunctions. The combination of both values considerably increases the reliability of the system. The relay variant with its four freely programmable outputs can additionally be used for switching off the pump and as an advance warning stage. This substantially reduces downtimes and thus costs.
Two variants are available, one with two current outputs and another with four programmable relay outputs. The union with union socket end supplied with the device ensures easy installation. The union socket end and the sensor housing are made of PP or PVDF.
The display and control unit is not absolutely necessary for permanent operation, but it may remain permanently inserted to allow the measured values to be read off in situ. This optionally available unit may be used to set several sensors.
The entered parameters are normally stored in the respective sensor. A copy function of all parameters allows the parameters to be loaded and stored in the display and control unit. A customer-specific setting can be transmitted to any ASV ProPump via the intermediate memory in the display and control unit.
The casing concept of the ASV ProPump stands out due to its optimized, universal range of applications for dry run protection and for pressure and temperature monitoring in pipes. The dry run protection system offers many advantages for the user in the field as a result of its consistent operating concept and the use of uniform components. In conjunction with its versatile measuring and setting possibilities, the ASV ProPump therefore guarantees maximum safety and reliability for pumps.
Source: STÜBBE GmbH & Co. KG