Jürgen Dormann new Chairman of the Board
At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Sulzer Ltd, the shareholders approved the proposal of the Board of Directors to elect Jürgen Dormann and Klaus Sturany as new members of the board. The proposal of the Renova Group, the single largest shareholder, to de-elect Louis Hughes and Thor Håkstad was approved as well. After the shareholder meeting, the seven members of the Sulzer board elected Jürgen Dormann as the new chairman.

Jürgen Dormann (Photo: Sulzer)
414 shareholders attended the Extraordinary General Meeting, representing 56.8% of the share capital.
With a large majority, two new board members were elected — Jürgen Dormann for a three-year term with 97.4% of all votes and Klaus Sturany for a two-year term of office with 96.4% of all votes. The proposal of the Renova Group, with 31.2% the single largest shareholder,to de-elect Louis Hughes and Thor Håkstad was also approved, supported by 57.3% of all votes for both board members.
At the following constituting board meeting, Jürgen Dormann was elected as new chairman of the Sulzer board. A newly established Strategy Committee consists of Jürgen Dormann (Chairman), Vladimir V. Kuznetsov and Luciano Respini. The audit committee now consists of the following members: Klaus Sturany (Chairman), Urs Andreas Meyer and Daniel J. Sauter. The nomination and remuneration committee now consists of the following members: Vladimir V. Kuznetsov (Chairman), Luciano Respini and Klaus Sturany.
Jürgen Dormann and Klaus Sturany bring strong leadership experience and industry expertise to the Sulzer board. Jürgen Dormann (1940), German, has extensive industrial experience and has held various top leadership positions. He was CEO of Hoechst and Aventis, Chairman of the Board and CEO of ABB, Chairman of the Adecco board, Vice Chairman of the Sanofi-Aventis board and member of the IBM board. Currently, Jürgen Dormann is Chairman of the Board of the Metall-Zug group and board member of the BG Group, which is active in the oil and gas segment. Klaus Sturany (1946), Austrian, has held key leadership positions at Hoechst and was a member of the executive committees of Uhde, GEA and RWE. He was a member of the boards of RAG and Commerzbank and is currently a member of the boards of Bayer, Hannover Rückversicherung, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen and Österreichische Industrieholding.
The Board of Directors and management of Sulzer would like to thank Louis Hughes and Thor Håkstadfor their strong commitment and performance and wish them all the best for the future.