GF Wins Major Order for Largest Cruise Ships


GF Piping Systems has received a substantial order totaling more than EUR 15 million from the shipbuilding company STX France.

GF Wins Major Order for Largest Cruise Ships

Georg Fischer

The latest order from STX France covers the delivery of corrosion-free plastic piping systems to equip three new cruise liners. These piping systems are manufactured at GF facilities in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. They will be delivered over the course of the next two years, starting in the second half of 2015.

GF Piping Systems is well experienced in the shipbuilding industry as its innovative piping technologies have already been installed on the largest cruisers worldwide. GF Piping Systems also offers comprehensive maintenance services for on board piping systems at major ports in the US, Europe and Asia to ensure for ship owners the maximum availability for their cruise liners.

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