Franklin Electric Announces Executive Staffing Changes


Gregg Sengstack, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, has been promoted to the position of Senior Vice President, International and Fueling Group. In this new position Mr. Sengstack will be responsible for Franklin Electric’s Water Systems business in the Pacific Rim as well as...

...the Company’s Fueling Systems business unit.

His primary focus will be on expanding these businesses by both internal development and acquisitions. He has been with Franklin Electric since 1988.

Effective July 25, 2005, Thomas (Tom) Strupp will join Franklin Electric as Vice President, Chief Financial Officer. He will have responsibility for Franklin Electric’s financial reporting, treasury, audit, information systems, and corporate development functions. Having held executive positions at Pentair Water Group, Inc. and Sta-Rite Industries, Inc., Mr. Strupp comes to Franklin Electric with a strong financial background and experience in the water systems industry. He is a past president of the Water Systems Council.

DeLancey (Dee) W. Davis has joined Franklin Electric as Vice President Sales, Western Hemisphere Water Systems. He will be responsible for the sales of Franklin Electric’s Water Systems products (motors, drives, controls, and pumps) to OEMs and distributors. Mr. Davis comes to Franklin Electric from Flexcon Industries where he was Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Prior to joining Flexcon, Mr. Davis was a practicing attorney with the Washington, D.C. office of Holland & Knight, LLP, where he represented the water systems industry as the lobbyist for the Water Systems Council. He is a past president of the Water Systems Council (WSC) and has been an active member of the WSC’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Mr. Davis past chaired the Technical Committee and currently chairs the Government Affairs Committee for the WSC and serves as Treasurer of its PAC.

Franklin Electric is a global leader in the production and marketing of groundwater and fuel pumping systems and is a technical leader in submersible motors, drives, controls, and monitoring devices.

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