Fluid/Gas Treatment and Control Market to Grow to $403 Billion in 2017


The market for equipment, services and chemicals used in treating and controlling liquids, indoor air, stack gases and process fluids will grow from $381 billion in 2012 to $403 billion in 2017.

This is the latest forecast in the McIlvaine online report: Fluid/Gas Treatment and Control Markets.

The market will grow at the rate of GDP plus 2 percent, so while GDP in NAFTA will be just under 3 percent per annum, the growth in the fluid/gas market will be close to 5 percent.

West Asia will see the largest percentage growth. East Asia will account for the bulk of the revenue increases. This is due to the construction of power, water, wastewater and other basic industrial plants.

The reasons that this market will grow at a faster rate than GDP are:

  • Increasing recognition of the scarcity of clean water for human consumption
  • More affluent populace who is capable and willing to clean up the wastewater to minimize health threats and maximize recreational enjoyment
  • Recognition of the necessity of removing fine particulate, heavy metals and acid gases from industrial stack discharges
  • Product and personnel requirements for clean in-plant air
  • Recognition of the value in better purifying residential and commercial air space.
  • Growth of clean space including semiconductors, biopharmaceuticals and other high tech industries
  • Increased investment in air and liquid purification by the healthcare industry.

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