Fire Water Pump by Dynapumps Skid for the Sissingue Gold Project
Dynapumps supplied an Electric / Diesel / Jockey AS2941-2013 fire pump set built to client s specifications for the Sissingue Gold Project.

The main pumps are Grundfos NKG 80x50-250 centrifugal pumps, one driven by a 30kW WEG W22 Motor and the other by a VM Motori FPD703TE0 diesel engine. The diesel engine is mounted on vibration isolators and includes a Spicer driveshaft and Centax torsional coupling to reduce vibration. The unit was fully tested as per AS2941 to the requested duty of 72m3/h @ 70m TDH on Dynapumps test facility in Belmont, Western Australia. The supply of this pumpset was part of a larger scope of supply for Dynapumps including other water service pumps and chemical pumps.
Source: Dynapumps