Expansion of the production capacity for metering systems in Korea
ProMinent, the leading manufacturer of metering technology, is expanding its Korean production plant. The group has had a presence in Korea since 1991 with its own production and distribution company and now ProMinent is investing around 2.5 million euros in expansion. The official inauguration took place on 12 March 2010.

The new ProMinent Korean production plant (ProMinent Dosiertechnik)
This week Prof. Dr. h.c. Dulger, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Heidelberg-based specialist metering technology company, is inaugurating the expanded metering system production plant in Giheung-gu, Yongin City, Gyeonggi-do (near Seoul). The German ambassador and representatives of local political groups and the business community have been invited to attend.
Thanks to the new building capacity of over 2,500 m2, ProMinent will be able to meet the specific requirements of the gas and oil industries for the expanded supply of innovative metering systems.
"The Asian markets have grown rapidly over the last few years, states Prof. Dr. h.c. Viktor Dulger, explaining the reason for the investment.
He continues, ″With high-capacity local production, we are ideally equipped for the future and, at the same time, can meet customers’ requirements more precisely, avoid long distribution channels and expand our global production and logistics network."
Source: ProMinent GmbH