Caprari PumpTutor® Version 2.0 – The second generation


After the success of the 1st generation of Caprari product selection software, the new program has been upgraded with the complete product range. Complete and easy with few simple commands, it will help you to select the best pump for your plant characteristics.

Caprari PumpTutor® Version 2.0 – The second generation

Caprari PumpTutor® Version 2.0

Depending on the specifications of your system, the program will give you the technical-constructional details of the products, will calculate the running costs in terms of energy, the friction losses in the pipes, will size the systems and accumulation tanks and allow you to handle and print all the information you need to present your projects.

All layouts and drawing area vailable for your projects in .dxf format.

Caprari PumpTutor was been developed by VSX - VOGEL SOFTWARE, the leading supplier of such kind of software.

You can order your CD-ROM at the Caprari website, free of charge and with no obligation.

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