Business Magazine CAPITAL Selects SEEPEX as the “Champion of the Digital Transformation”

Classic mechanical engineering has a future – and it is often digital. SEEPEX has once again been honored for successfully taking advantage of the opportunities presented by digitalization for its products. The benchmarking study conducted by the business magazine Capital and the Infront Consulting Company has now named the Bottrop-based company the “Champion of the Digital Transformation”.
Business Magazine CAPITAL Selects SEEPEX as the “Champion of the Digital Transformation”

The company SEEPEX from Bottrop again honored for its technological success. (Image source: SEEPEX GmbH)

The study focused on success patterns and best practices broken down according to industries and business opportunities. SEEPEX is one of the best five companies in the “Mechanical Engineering” category and prevailed over 127 participants. This success confirms to the medium-sized company based in Bottrop that it has consistently been on the right path with its digital transformation.

Convincing Holistic Approach
The jury was convinced by the holistic approach that SEEPEX, as a digital ecosystem, initiated at an early stage and has continued to further develop. This includes services such as the SEEPEX Shop, service apps and premium digital services such as monitoring services and advanced analysis options for the optimization of pump performance. The ecosystem is rounded off by innovations such as digital pump and control systems, as well as the first automated progressive cavity pump. All assets are connected in the in-house cloud known as SEEPEX Connected Services. “This entire range of services has enabled new business fields and increased customer loyalty,” confirms Dr. Christian Hansen, the Managing Director of SEEPEX.

Involving the Workforce at an Early Stage
The transformation is being driven by a common will which extends from management to the workforce. Many internal measures have been adopted to involve employees as early as possible, in line with the modern corporate culture.

An example for this are two committees which were introduced more than three years ago: a steering committee and an exchange committee which regularly discussed the introduction of digital products and services and supported the flow of information between the management and employees with creative ideas. Furthermore, there were content-related training sessions and other personal exchange formats for the entire workforce.

More Satisfied Customers and Fast Service
“We are proud that we were able to convince the organizers with our Digital Solutions, which enabled us to develop new benefits and services and measurably increase customer satisfaction. This allows our customers to reduce their operating costs and interact directly with us,” summarizes Christian Hansen.

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