Atlas Copco Divests Cryogenic Pump Business


Atlas has sold the Atlas Copco JC Carter business, which produces cryogenic submerged motor pumps.

Atlas Copco sold the Costa Mesa, California, USA-based business to Nikkiso Cryo Inc. of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Nikkiso Cryo is a subsidiary to Japan-based Nikkiso Ltd.

Atlas Copco JC Carter had around 35 employees. The business was part of Atlas Copco’s Gas and Process division within the Compressor Technique business area.

“We have found a better home for this business,” said Nico Delvaux, President of Atlas Copco’s Compressor Technique business area. “We believe that it will have a good future under the new ownership.”

The parties have agreed not to disclose the sales price.

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27.01.2023 -

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