Armstrong Launches New Variable Speed Pump Range
Armstrong has announced the launch of a major new range of variable speed pumps that can offer outstanding energy efficient performance across a wider operating envelope. Designed with a built-in safety net, they eradicate the need to trade-off the energy efficiency of the installation through over-sizing equipment “to be on the safe side”.

New Variable Speed Pump Range (Image: Armstrong)
Incorporating Armstrong’s on-board inverter control feature, they adjust quickly to changes in load to optimise energy efficiency of the system automatically, across a wider range of operational conditions than any other available pump range.
Armstrong Design Envelope Intelligent Variable Speed (IVS) pumps are a complete solution for heating and cooling systems. The integration of a perfectly matched Vertical In-Line pump, motor, and Intelligent Variable Speed controller creates an innovative, high-value pumping solution.
In common with Armstrong’s existing IVS and IVS pump ranges, the new pumps reduce pumping costs through variable speed, demand-based operation — consuming only the energy required, based on current system demand. The variable speed intelligence embedded in the controller enables the pump to respond instantaneously and automatically to system load, adjusting the speed of the pump and drawing only the power required to meet that load.
A major benefit of the new Design Envelope IVS pump however, is that it can provide the same optimised energy efficiency capabilities over a wider operational range than other pumps. So a single pump model can still continue to meet operational requirements even if changes in operational requirements change, either during the design process or after installation, without the risk of underperformance or the need for replacement.
Changes to spec are common during the design phase of a project, involving consultants and other engineers in costly re-designs. The wider scope of requirements covered by a Design Envelope IVS pump model however can reduce iterations of pump selection, reducing levels of risk and safeguarding profit margins across the supply chain. In addition, after installation, the Design Envelope IVS pump’s wider capabilities can accommodate common changes in requirements resulting from changes in occupancy, alterations of building design, or modifications in the shade conditions due to changes in the building’s surroundings, such as the construction of new buildings adjacent to the existing site. For building owners this can bring greater adaptability without costly HVAC refurbishment, at the same time as ensuring continued optimisation of pump efficiency.
The performance envelopes are mapped to enable the most efficient pumps to be selected for 50% of the design flow rate, where variable flow systems operate most often. This ensures a building’s hydronic pumping system consumes as little energy as possible. In addition to ensuring that the installation is compliant with 2017 legislation on pump motor efficiency, the in-built intelligence delivers energy savings of up to 70%, reducing carbon impact in excess of current legal requirements, and reducing costs, to deliver even greater benefit to building occupiers and owners.
In addition to these benefits, the Design Envelope IVS pump range also offers valuable installation savings. Equipped with Armstrong’s Sensorless design feature, the pumps do not require an external sensor to monitor and control the HVAC load, removing the additional cost and technical complexity of installing Variable Frequency Drives.
Installation cost savings are also provided by Armstrong Suction Guides and Flo-Trex valves, which reduce the requirement for pipework and fittings, and perform multiple functions with a single component. This speeds up installation and reduces cost at the same time as offering a valuable reduction in physical footprint.
Armstrong Design Envelope IVS models are available for Armstrong’s Series 4300 and 4380 Vertical In-Line, 4302 and 4382 dualARM, and 4392 and 4312 twin head pumps. These solutions are available with integrated controller or in a stand-alone configuration with the controller mounted separately. This encompasses a huge range of variable speed pumping requirements, up to 250kW pumps with integrated inverters and up to 1,000kW with standalone inverters.