ABS Turbocompressors HST Selected for MBR Plant


ABS Wastewater Technology, a leading provider of wastewater solutions has been awarded a large order to supply ABS turbocompressors HST by Hydrochem (S) Pte Ltd for Singapore Largest and also Asia’s most significant MBR plant.

ABS Turbocompressors HST Selected for MBR Plant

Energy Efficient Turbocompressors HST (Photo: ABS)

The Jurong Water Reclamation Plant has a daily treatment capacity of 68,000m3 (18MGD) and uses biological processes and microfiltration membranes to treat used water from the industrialized Jurong catchment for use by industries located on Jurong Island.

ABS Turbocompressors HST is ideal for usage in the aeration and membrane scouring in the MBR process. ABS Turbocompressors HST40 units will be installed for the aeration tank providing biological oxygen requirement while ABS Turbocompressors HST9500 units will be installed for the membrane tank providing continuous air flow to keep membranes clean and to scour fine particles and deposits from the surface.

Energy requirements are of primary interest in membrane bioreactor systems. Aeration energy is the largest consumer of energy in the MBR system. As higher activated sludge concentration (MLVSS) in MBR is used in aeration tank, higher oxygen volume is needed hence more air would be required. This would potentially incur higher energy cost. However, with the high efficiency of ABS turbocompressor HST, the energy cost is saved significantly.

Besides its energy efficiency, the ABS turbocompressors HST has many other features:

  • Outstanding design for efficient installation and easy operation
  • Magnetic bearings – Minimal energy loss and no mechanical wear
  • Integrated design – Compressor, motor, frequency converter and control cabinet built in
  • Easy to install
  • Small footprint – Smaller compressor room, lower building cost
  • Low installation cost – No external starters or controls required. No crane or special foundation needed
  • System modularity – Allows parallel operation of numerous compressors allowing tailor made installations
  • Compatible – Can operate in parallel with all types of compressors allowing flexible refurbishment
  • ABS carries a full product range that suits different requirements of the MBR process from mixed liquor transfer pumps, to submersible mixers and digester mixers to turbocompressors

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