$3.5 Billion Pump Purchases by the Power Industry this Year


Purchases of pumps by the world’s power generation industry will reach $3.5 billion this year. East Asian purchases alone will exceed $1.2 billion. This is the latest forecast in the McIlvaine Pumps World Markets report.

$3.5 Billion Pump Purchases by the Power Industry this Year

Purchases in ($ Millions)

Pumps will be purchased for coal, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, concentrated solar and combined cycle gas turbine plants. Coal-fired generators will purchase more than operators of the other technologies combined. In the U.S., there will be a substantial market created by new combined cycle gas turbine plants.

The power industry around the world extracts more than ten times more water than do municipalities. Therefore, the pump requirements to move water from the source to the cooling towers are substantial. Expensive and high performance pumps are needed at various points in the steam cycle. Pumps for flue gas desulfurization have requirements in excess of 50,000 gpm per pump.

Centrifugal pumps will constitute the majority of the purchases.

Rotary and diaphragm pumps are used for the many chemical additions which are needed in the intake water, boiler feedwater and wastewater treatment.

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Greene Tweed Highlights WR 600 Thermoplastic Composite

18.12.2024 -

Greene Tweed, a global manufacturer of high-performance sealing solutions and engineered components, highlights WR 600, a carbon-fiber-reinforced, PFA-based composite featuring outstanding chemical, impact, and thermal shock resistance. The WR 600 thermoplastic composite can withstand continuous service temperatures up to 500°F (260°C) and is ideal for stationary wear rings for static applications; pump applications in refineries, chemical plants, power plants, and water treatment plants; as well as all types of centrifugal pumps.

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