18th International Pump Users Symposium and Short Courses will be held March 5-8, 2001


COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS – the Turbomachinery Laboratory at Texas A&M University is pleased to announce that the 18th International Pump Users Symposium and Short Courses will be held March 5-8, 2001, at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. This meeting is organized and is led by engineers with vast experience in the petrochemical, process, chemical, utility, contractor, and consulting fields, along with pump and seal manufacturers from around the world.

This prestigious meeting for pump users features 10 lectures, six tutorials, seven user case studies, 13 discussions groups, five day-long short courses, and approximately 450 exhibit booths. This well-known meeting emphasizes the technology that users from across Texas, the U.S. and the world need in today’s challenging workplace. Many of the leaders are users, discussing today’s problems. The short courses are day-long presentations that precede the symposium. Several offer hands-on experience. The welcoming address will be offered by Robert Hart, Pump Symposium Advisory Committee Member Emeritus. This Years lecturers hail from the United States, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, and Switzerland. Lectures feature solutions to current industry problems and include leading edge technology. Tutorials are offered in extended time slots to ensure adequate teaching time for the methodology and for questions and answers. Two sessions of user case studies are offered. Discussions groups are led by experts and designed to let attendees bring in problems, share them with their peers, and take home solutions. The discussion groups are always a priority for those who have attended in the past. Lanny Cruse, Sulzer Pumps, states “The courses and seminars offered at the Pumps Symposium are clearly the most focused and cost-effective personnel training programs available in our industry. They provide technical development opportunities for our employees at all levels…in addition to satisfying the Continuing Competency-CEU/PDH requirements of our Professional Engineers’ licenses.”
Along with superb technical sessions, the meeting is accompanied by an excellent trade show, featuring more than 250 companies. These companies will bring the latest technology from all facets of the pump industry. The exhibits open only when technical sessions close. For those not able to attend the technical sessions, the exhibits are open free to qualified users in late afternoon exhibit sessions and for part the final day.
The Turbomachinery Laboratory is self supporting and receives no state funds. Proceeds from two annual symposia finance undergraduate education and graduate research in turbomachinery at A&M University.

For more information, you may call 409-845-7417, fax 409-845-1835, E-mail

inquiry@turbo-lab.temu.edu, or visit the Website at

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