Super Microscope Demands Steady Pumps from Grundfos
Advanced microscope technology in the gigantic MAX IV Laboratory at Lund University, Sweden, offers great opportunities for future research and development. The technology is very sensitive, and this poses special demands for pump systems.

A view from the top: In the buildings beneath is the home of the microscope (Image: Grundfos)
In 2016, researchers in material science, biotechnology, medicine, energy, and the environment will start using a new, potent tool at Lund University. A super microscope is expected to provide valuable new knowledge about things it is currently not possible to foresee. It could pave the way for new energy production using artificial photosynthesis or entirely new medicines.
“Since MAX IV will be the brightest synchrotron light source in the world, we have high hopes of attracting the best research projects and the best scientists in the world,” states Tutti Johansson Falk, Head of Communications at the MAX IV Laboratory.
Vibrations are crucial
The super microscope works by means of electrons. After being accelerated to a speed close to the velocity of light, the electrons change path by means of magnetic fields and emit light in the direction of their travel at the same time. Finally the wavelength of the beam – from infrared to X-rays - is chosen in a beamline. At the end of it, the test to be watched is placed.
As the sensitive technology entails special demands, the MAX IV technical staff asked Grundfos to find steady installation solutions for use in local water supplies at beamlines and accelerator components etc. Solutions which could prevent vibrations from influencing future research and development results.
Accelerator Physicist and project leader of the storage rings, Fernandes Tavares, explains that the beam position and angle are crucial parameters that need to be kept stable to extreme accuracy, and that they can be affected by vibrations from a variety of equipment, transmitted through the floor.
“Should vibrations reduce the light source brightness, the whole purpose of the facility would be jeopardized,” he says.
Isolation solution developed
According to Brian Norsk Jensen, Deputy Head of Engineering and responsible for stability at MAX IV, the main criterion for making the pumps steady is the speed.
“It is much easier to isolate high frequencies than low frequencies. Grundfos pumps’ very high frequency made them well qualified for use in our surroundings,” explains Brian Norsk Jensen.
To further reduce vibrations, each pumping unit is placed on a concrete block mounted on springs. In order to avoid transfer of vibrations through pipes, rubber hoses connect the pumps with the facilities.
Brian Norsk Jensen is very satisfied with the way, Grundfos met the requirements:
“In addition to the high running frequencies, the isolation reduced vibrations from the pumps considerably, typically by more than 90 per cent,” says Brian Norsk Jensen.
Source: Grundfos Holding A/S