Bell & Gossett Introduces ʻSMARTʼ Heating Circulator
Bell & Gossett introduces an industry first with its revolutionary new energy efficient heating circulator that uses a unique technology to achieve significant energy savings while delivering hot water throughout commercial or residential properties.
Featuring ECM (Electronically Commutated Motor) technology and a patented spherical motor design, the ecocirc auto and vario pump eliminate the need for a conventional shaft, seal and bearing assembly. The rotor/impeller is the only moving part in the entire pump and it is magnetically balanced on a stationery ceramic bearing inside the pump housing to provide silent, long-lasting operation.
Other special features of the ecocirc auto and vario pump include:
- Control Modes (auto for automatic proportional pressure control and vario for stepless speed control with a constant curve)
- Maintenance free, long-lasting operation
- Seal-less, leak-free
Resistant to scale build-up, ensuring optimal flow with minimal downtime
- Only self-realigning bearing in the small pump market
- Self-lubricating and automatically cooled by pump media
- Step-‐less speed switch with LED for pump status and troubleshooting
- Resin-encompassed stators eliminate corrosion
- Energy savings pay back the cost of the pump within months
- The magnetically centered rotor can tilt to avoid small particles
- Motor is separated from wetted parts by a stainless steel partition
Bell & Gossett acquired this unique technology when ITT purchased German pump manufacturer Laing GmbH. Laing is a leading producer of energy-efficient circulator pumps used in residential and commercial plumbing and HVAC systems. Driven by government regulations, the European market has more stringent energy standards that require more technologically advanced pumps.
“The new auto and vario circulators are the latest offering in the line of ecocirc heating circulators with high efficiency ECM motors that lower energy costs,” said Monica Levy, Director of Communications at ITTʼs Residential and Commercial Water business.
Source: Xylem Inc.