Armstrong Announced As CIBSE Patrons


CIBSE’s Patrons Scheme was set up in 1979 to develop closer links and working practices between the Institution and a broad range of organisations involved in the building services engineering industry.

Armstrong’s application was reviewed by members of the Patrons steering committee earlier this year and was unanimously approved.

“Armstrong’s core values are very much in line with those of CIBSE” explained marketing manager Wayne Rose. “Our corporate objectives are to build long-term partnering relationships based on Community, Service and Innovation. We see becoming a CIBSE Patron as an important stage in one such long-term partnering relationship.”

Armstrong has a number of strategic projects underway in the key areas against which CIBSE Patrons are assessed: Continuous Professional Development, Health and Safety in Design, and Sustainability. During 2007, Armstrong’s series of CPD seminars, on a range of value engineering and energy efficiency topics, received CIBSE accreditation. As a CIBSE Patron Armstrong aims to build on this foundation to extend the scope and depth of the CPD assistance it is able to provide.

The partnership with CIBSE mirrors a similar long-term relationship between the North American and Canadian-based operations of Armstrong and their industry body ASHRAE.

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