Free Pumps Systems Improvement Modeling Tool
Pump Systems Matter has made Pump Systems Improvement Modeling Tool (PSIM) educational software freely available for download on its website.
PSIM is focused on helping pump system engineers and industry professionals understand how modeling tools can reduce cost and conserve energy.
The PSIM tool operates by allowing users to build models of pumping systems. The software then uses input from various fields to simulate a wide range of system behavior. Users can calculate pressure drop and flow distribution in straight-path and simple branching or looped pumping systems, as well as pump energy usage and energy cost over time through Net Present Value concepts. The PSIM tool provides valuable training to pump system engineers by simulating nearly every aspect of the total pump system.
PSIM is a tool designed to help Pump Systems Matter™ accomplish its stated goals of providing end-users, engineering consultants and pump suppliers with tools and collaborative opportunities to integrate pump system performance optimization and efficient energy management practices into normal business operations.
A series of web-based PSIM training programs are anticipated by the second quarter of 2007. Downloading the software ensures PSIM users will be invited to future training sessions.
Source: Hydraulic Institute Inc.