Second Place within TecDAX


For the second time within a few weeks, Pfeiffer Vacuum won an award for its outstanding investor relations work. This time, the German magazine CAPITAL together with the DVFA, the German Association for financial analysis and asset management, awarded the prizes.

In the course of the awards ceremony in Frankfurt’s Staedel Museum, IR Manager Gudrun Geissler received the second prize within the Tec-Dax index.

Around 5,500 financial analysts and fund managers from Germany and abroad were invited to vote on 197 publicly traded companies within the EuroStoxx 50, the Dax, M-Dax, Tec-Dax and S-Dax. Criteria like credibility of the management’s statements, quality of the financial information, timeliness of the information on recent events and the compliance of corporate governance standards were ranked.

Pfeiffer Vacuum was able to score 430.5 points out of a maximum of 500 points, thus proving its excellent investor relations work. Within the technology index Tec-Dax, the company jumped from a ranking of 15 last year to a ranking of 2 this year.

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28.06.2024 -

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