Armstrong Contributes to Expansion of World-Renowned Deep Lake Water Cooling System

Armstrong Fluid Technology recently participated in the expansion of the Enwave Energy Corporation Deep Lake Water Cooling (DLWC) system that provides clean energy services to buildings in downtown Toronto via an innovative district cooling network.
Armstrong Contributes to Expansion of World-Renowned Deep Lake Water Cooling System

Left-right: Olivia Chow (Toronto Mayor), William Fernandes (Acting Deputy General Manager, Toronto Water), Lou Di Gironimo (General Manager, Toronto Water), Hon. Sam Oosterhoff (Associate Minister, Energy-Intensive Industries) and Carlyle Coutinho (CEO, Enwave Energy Corporation) (Image source: Armstrong Fluid Technology Ltd.)

Recognized by the United Nations’ United 4 Sustainable Smart Cities initiative, the DLWC system draws water at 4C through pipes deep in Lake Ontario to a facility downtown where heat exchangers chill the water that flows to downtown buildings.

Expanding the existing DLWC system by adding a fourth pipe will save 220 million gallons of water annually, reduce peak electricity demand by 60 megawatts, reduce Greenhouse gas emissions by 33,000 tons and boost the cooling capacity of the network by 60 percent.

“Instead of each building operating a separate chiller system, chilled water is brought from the lake and distributed to a network of buildings,” said Paul Scarafile, Commercial Director, Canada, Armstrong Fluid Technology.
“Armstrong supplied six 600hp Design Envelope pumps to the project,” Scarafile added. “We’ve worked closely with Enwave since the DLWC system was launched 20 years ago, and we're extremely proud to have contributed to this most recent expansion.”

A ceremony to celebrate the expansion was held August 29th with Toronto City officials, the Associate Ontario Minister of Energy-Intensive Industries, and Armstrong representatives in attendance.

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